2009年9月9日 星期三

Web 3.0


Our guess on next generation web 3.0
- Browser evolution, a brand new style of broswer, 3D web browsing like a 3D virtual world, new html protocol, compatible with existing web technology, user personalizated setting, actually it should call a platform instead of a broswer in future.
- WebOS, web application will be implemented based on the new platform, all data and computation will be stored at platform at the server side, computer will be developed as a device to collect to the new platform with display and input device only, it will be much more compact than now
- Web Identification, each internet user will have a unique identification, personalization will be a more important factor

"Switching on computer is like entering you into the virtual world"

1 則留言:

  1. 岩岩諗到一點
    Product + labeling + RFID + search engine + 3D shop + web cam = future shopping on web 3.0
    Detail 明天講你知...
